Birthplace: Rome, Italy

Birthdate: August 11, 1978

Base of Operations:  Los Angeles, California

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 188 lbs

Eyes: Amber

Hair: White

Assets:  Cerebral, gregarious {in person}, intellectual, handy, vibrant, prolific, lightning fast, and sober

Faults:  Pedantic, slightly insane, elitist, anal retentive and obsessive

Specs:  Pietro was considered to be a well networked industrial-ambient music prodigy as early as 12 years of age.  The limelight soon faded by the time he hit 18 as this was the average age for most Industrial-Ambient composers in Italy at the time.  Desperate to monopolize the competition and  restore his usurped prestige, he moved to Los Angeles at 19 where he could rest assured that the average demographic for a Californian Ambient composer was at least a 40-something New Aged baby boomer guru. It was here in L.A. that he met fellow composer Lynn Starheim and the famed underground cartoonist, Leona Jefferson.  It was also Lynn who introduced Pietro to the slightly older Jeremy Turner who specifically complimented Pietro on his “FlAShbiENT” Series.  It was just a matter of time before they became fast friends.  After four intense weeks at the “Notable School Composition Camp”, Turner encouraged him to discover other potentialities within himself.  In virtually no time at all, Pietro also mastered the art of programming and was the first to design software bots that could auto-compose while simultaneously chat online and download MP3s.  This was the genesis of the all-bot musical group called the Notabots.